Having a healthy and eco-friendly kitchen is a great way to help the environment and to make sure you are eating nutritious meals. There are many tips and tricks that you can use to make sure your kitchen is both healthy and eco-friendly. From reducing food waste to making sure you are using energy efficient appliances, there are plenty of ways to create a healthier, greener kitchen. In this post we will share information and tips for creating a healthy and eco-friendly kitchen.

The kitchen is the hub of most households. This is the room where you prepare your meals and make morning coffee and nightcaps. Try to have kitchen surfaces that are durable and easy to clean: floors that can be swept and mopped or wiped frequently, tile backsplashes behind stoves and sinks to protect against moisture, walls painted with washable paint, and countertops that will not show every little spill as a stain.

The healthy kitchen is generally kept clean and clutter free—with low-toxic cleaners—and well ventilated to reduce bacteria. It uses energy-efficient appliances and has water-saving features.

  • Ventilation: The healthy kitchen is well ventilated to counteract the mold-encouraging effect of steam and to dissipate combustion by-products— both produced by cooking. is helps make the kitchen a healthier place for all household members, especially those who may be prone to mold- and mildew-induced allergies, or to respiratory allergies and irritations made worse by pollutant gases. Managing moisture in the kitchen has an effect throughout the house—keep the door closed when it’s hot and steamy.

  • Energy-efficient appliances: The healthy kitchen uses top- rated efficient refrigerators, freezers, and stoves that are run on a combination of solar power and natural gas backup.

  • Tap water: This is rainwater that is hygienically collected and regularly tested to check that it conforms to drinking water standards.

  • Wastewater: This passes into the household water- recycling system, which has good quality filter systems. Once treated, this water is used on the garden, to ush the toilets, and to wash clothes.

  • Detergent: Dish-washing liquids and other cleaners are phosphate-free and low in toxic additives.

  • Recycling corner: All items recycled by the local municipality—glass, paper, steel, plastic, aluminum—are stored for recycling and regular pickup. Other items, such as batteries and tires, are periodically removed to a local recycling depot.

  • Biodegradable scraps: All compost items are placed in a mini garbage can and regularly taken out to the compost heap.

  • Safety: Dangerous items such as knives and chemicals are kept out of reach.

  • Kitchen pests: These are controlled with natural methods.


Care and cleaning in the Kitchen

Eating healthy and living sustainably can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tips and strategies, you can create a kitchen that is both healthy and eco-friendly. From choosing natural cleaning products to investing in energy-efficient appliances, there are plenty of ways to make your kitchen greener. Here are some tips for creating a healthier and more sustainable kitchen environment.

The best rule we have learned is to clean as you go—before food preparation and afterward. Most surfaces can be cleaned with a cloth dipped in mild detergent and hot water. These surfaces include Corian, laminate, marble, concrete, slate, and tiles. Some may be lightly scoured, while others may need oil. The rule of thumb is start simple and progress to more aggressive measures if needed.

Surface areas

  • Corian: Use a gentle scourer for stains on Corian, which is a blend of natural materials and pure acrylic polymer. Treat stubborn ones with very fine abrasive paper, then polish with a soft cloth.
  • Granite and Concrete: Wipe regularly with a hot cloth. Clean greasy marks with a few drops of household ammonia in water.
  • Laminate: Use a few drops of eucalyptus oil to disinfect. For tough marks, use straight detergent, leave for a few minutes, then rinse. Do not scour. Take care with hot saucepans. Although laminate can take heat from pans and cooking utensils, it will become damaged if they are le to stand.
  • Slate: To shine, wipe with a few drops of lemon oil, then polish with a so, dry cloth.
  • Tiles: To remove stains, try rubbing on salt with a cut lemon.
  • Sealed wood: Pots and pans should go on a tile or board to prevent burns to the counter surface.
  • Unsealed wood: Rub with boiled linseed oil and wipe excess off with a soft cloth. Try salt and lemon on stains and burn marks.

Cutting boards

  • Plastic: Use a small brush and scrub with hot water and detergent. Most are also dishwasher safe. To kill bacteria, wipe with a mild solution of household bleach.
  • Wood: It is recommended to rub with a little vegetable oil once a year to protect from splitting and warping.   Remove food odors by rubbing with salt and cut lemon. Store where plenty of air can circulate.

TIP: The healthy and hygienic kitchen should have two chopping boards—one for vegetables, one for meat. Be sure to thoroughly scrub well after  if using raw meat.

Kitchen sink

If you are like us we use the dishwasher religiously  However, the sink can not be ignored when looking to create a healthy and toxin free Kitchen.  It is recommended that you wipe the sink down after each use and scrub it weekly.  Depending on the sink material, it may need some extra TLC.

  • Acrylic: Water marks can be removed with white vinegar. Do not use abrasive cleaner such as cleansing cream or metal scourer. Remove scratches with a metal polish or other manufacture recommended product..
  • Corian & Solid Surface:  Fill the sink with a solution of one part household bleach to four parts water. Leave for 30 to 40 minutes then drain and rinse.
  • Enamel: Do not use bleach or metal scourers on enamel. Use borax for stain removal and a cut lemon or a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Start with baking soda and add just enough hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Rub, allow to dry, then rinse off.
  • Stainless steel: To reduce the possibility of scratches, do not use abrasive cleaners or scourers. Use full strength detergent on stains. If you desire a more polished shiny look, polish with rubbing alcohol and a dry cloth.

Other Kitchen related topics regarding creating and maintaining a healthy and toxin free kitchen are coming soon. So keep a look our for them!   

We though it would be helpful to also share some simple cleaning solutions for all your Kitchen (and many other rooms!) needs:

We have all bought into the "magic" of todays modern cleaners.  This has been the case since the invention of modern marketing in the 1950's.  Why use dangerous chemicals when almost everything you need to keep your kitchen clean—and much less toxic—is probably in your cupboard?

The raw ingredients for making all the cleaners you need.

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Dish-washing liquid
  • Ammonia
  • Washing soda
  • Bleach
  • Laundry detergent

All-purpose cleaner 1


2 heaping tablespoons baking soda 1 tablespoon white vinegar


Mix the baking soda and white vinegar together and store the cleaner in an airtight container.

All-purpose cleaner 2

This recipe makes a mild cleaner and deodorizer suitable for light soiling on the refrigerator, oven, and any other surfaces.


4 tablespoons baking soda 5 cups warm water


Mix the ingredients together. Wipe surfaces with a so cloth dipped in the solution. Rinse with clean water.

Strong all-purpose cleaner 1

This cleaner can be used   in   kitchens   and bathrooms, on oors, tiles, cupboards, appliances, ovens, and so on, but not on berglass or aluminum.

INGREDIENTSfi½ cup washing soda 5 quarts warm water


Mix the ingredients together.

Strong all-purpose cleaner 2

This is a good all-around cleaner for many surfaces and materials, including appliances, glass, and silver. It will also strip oor wax and dissolve resinous matter.


4 quarts hot water

31/2 uid ounces household ammonia 31/2 uid ounces white vinegar

7 ounces baking soda


Mix the ingredients together and store in a tightly sealed bottle.

Mild abrasive cleaner

Use this cleaner on plastic and on painted walls.


Few drops of water & baking soda


Add a few drops of water to baking soda to form a paste. Apply it with a stiff bristled brush on hard surfaces and with an old toothbrush between tiles.

Scouring cleaner 1


  • teaspoon borax
  • tablespoons white vinegar 2 cups hot water


Combine the ingredients together and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

Scouring cleaner 2


½ cup baking soda

  • tablespoons sodium perborate


Mix the baking soda with the sodium perborate. Use a wet sponge to rub the mixture onto areas that need whitening. Leave for ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing.

Disinfectant 1

This  disinfectant  can  be  used  in  the  kitchen, bathroom, and around the house on various surfaces, including marble, plastic, berglass, refrigerators, nursery furniture such as cribs and high chairs, plastic mattress covers, and ceramic tiles (although you should test rst on dark colors or colored grout).


¾ cup bleach

6 cups warm water

1 tablespoon powdered laundry detergent


Mix the ingredients together. Wash the surface and keep it wet for ve minutes before rinsing and allowing it to dry.

Disinfectant 2


  • teaspoon borax
  • tablespoons distilled white vinegar

¼ cup liquid soap

2 cups hot water


Mix the ingredients together. Use this disinfectant in the same way as Disinfectant 1, or store it in a spray bottle and spray it on.

Disinfectant 3

Use this disinfectant for hairbrushes and combs, mopping vinyl, and sanitizing and deodorizing garbage cans.


¾ cup bleach

6 cups water


Mix the ingredients together. Keep the surfaces wet for

 Leave 5 minutes, rinse, and allow to dry. 

Disinfectant 4


2 teaspoons borax

  • tablespoons white vinegar 3 cups hot water


Mix together all the ingredients. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. For greater cleaning power, add 1/4 teaspoon liquid soap.

Basic dish-washing liquid

Use one teaspoon to five quarts water when washing dishes, or use one cup per load in a dishwasher. (Note: It doesn’t remove coffee and tea stains.)


11/2 ounces pure soap

½ cup washing soda crystals

½ cup white vinegar

11/2 teaspoons eucalyptus oil or tea-tree oil

Few drops lemon or lavender pure essential oil for fragrance 5 quarts cold water

  • quarts hot water


  1. Grate the soap into a large saucepan and cover with 4 cups of the cold water. Bring to a boil, add the washing soda, and stir until it is completely
  2. Stir in the eucalyptus oil, vinegar, and essential
  3. Pour into a bucket, add the hot water, then stir in the remaining cold
  4. When cool, transfer to smaller containers and store

 All-purpose spray cleaner

This all-purpose cleaner is suitable for the kitchen and bathroom.


4 quarts hot water

2 tablespoons cloudy ammonia 4 fluid ounces white vinegar

2 tablespoons baking soda

2 drops lavender or lemon oil

2 tablespoons basic household soap cleaner


In a bucket, mix all the ingredients into the water. Cool, then ll spray bottles. 

Wall and paint cleaner


4 cups hot water

¼ cup washing soda crystals 4 quarts cold water

4 uid ounces cloudy ammonia

4 uid ounces white vinegar


Mix the hot water and washing soda crystals together in a bucket. Add the cold water, then the cloudy ammonia and the white vinegar.

Disinfecting floor cleaner


½ cup borax

3 quarts hot water


Mix the borax and hot water together. Use the cleaner with a cloth or mop as usual.

Strong floor cleaner

Wear protective gloves when using this cleaner.


¼ cup washing soda

1 tablespoon liquid soap

¼ cup white vinegar 3 quarts hot water


  1. Mix the ingredients together. Use the cleaner with a cloth or mop as usual, but do not use it on waxed floors.s

Happy Cleaning!

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